Los gustos y disgustos de Ashlyn

A Ashlyn le gusta ir al cine los sabado.

A Ashlyn le encanta comer todos los dias.

A Ashlyn le gusta pasar tiempo con mi.

A Ashlyn le gusta ir de compras con ella amigos.

A Ashlyn le gusta para dormir tarde los fines de semana.

A Ashlyn le disgusta la escuela cada dia.

A Ashlyn le disgusta queso en la hamburguesa.

A Ashlyn le disgusta se aburre.

Mis Gustos ;)

The project “Mis Gustos” was to come up with 10 sentences and turn it into a presentation on the iPad. It was very simple, but I hated it. It was hard to memorize all of the sentences and phrases of clarifications within a week. It’s nerve-racking trying to remember each and every sentence as you’re trying to write them down. Although I did pretty good on the project (after tons of studying) I would not want to do it again.